Monday, March 28, 2011

Student Success

We are students, but more than that, we are people. People have one thing, a life. A life is an entity of the things we deal with and do. In this life success needs to be bound to people. These days we have more and more failures in life, careless, low-life, and inconsiderate beings. If it were up to me, the world would be separated to go getters and losers. I ask myself: Why would anyone ever want to be a loser? I think I have a theory... People don't want to be losers, they just don't know how to be winners. If you fail over and over again it becomes accepted, where it should be rejected. Now and days every child is "special". These children are not special, to be SPECIAL you need to actually be SPECIAL not just because you are a child are you special. I believe that if rewards were harder to come by, then people would try harder. Why work for something if you can have it for free? I have said it once, and I will say it again... "If a tree does not bear good fruit chop it down and use it as fire wood."

Monday, March 7, 2011


We have become Obese as a Dixie-Nation. It seems as if everyday the loads of calories are being hoarded in our intestines. Shall we make the right food choices? Or be so fat we lose our voices? A high percentage of fat Americans have been rejected from the military because they're OBESE, these kind of people are the ones who have to buy two air plane tickets for one person. I mean really, obesity comes with so many downers. I speak the truth. Obesity is the SECOND preventable cause of death in the U.S while smoking holds number ONE. What would be the difference in me going up to a smoker and saying to the particular person "You're going to die if you keep that up" and me going to a fat person and saying the same thing? There is none. I rest my case.